Ever met with ppl tat r really annoying? Sure enough, yes
Annoying Situation 1:
After a tiring day at school, you are ready to get home as soon as possible to get some rest, the day is extremely warm and humid, you are sweating profusely. On the way home, you are trying to walk as fast as possible, however, the person in front of u is taking his own sweet time walking slowly on a busy track, u tried to cut in front of him, but he is moving in such a way that whatever u do, u wouldnt hav enough space to go through. Slowly, he takes out a cigarette, lights it and took a puff, all the cigarette fume goes right in your face. You are getting near the road, the traffic light turned green for the pedestrians. However, the guy in front of u is still moving at his speed of snail, making u even annoyed.
Annoying situation 2:
You are in deep water becoz of some problems to deal with in school. Assignments, homeworks, uniforms, bla bla bla. You are sitting in front of your computer, cracking your head to find a solution. Suddenly, your phone rings and it happens to be your superior, giving more pressure instead of solution, annoying u to an extent u may just crush your phone and step on it. Now, ur parent come here and starts lecturing u non-stop about homeworks, results, studies, not using computers and stuffs, annoying u even more.
Solution 1:
Kick tat guy's ass, make him move faster, right before he turns back, get the guy by his collar, drag him on the ground, take is cigarette, stuff it inside his nostrils, see how he likes tat. Kick tat guy out of the way, move on.
Solution 2:
Take your phone, throw it out of the window, smash your computer into pieces, tear off ur books, get into ur room, close the door and dun care the hell about anything. On the next day, meet ur superior, stuff his mouth with ur resignation letter, get the hell out of there. XD
Juz joking, really... I where got so violent 1... XD
Really... last time violent ZY gone liao XD