Time flies... especially when u r busy, preparing for exam, playing, or even sleeping.
I always hear people saying how time passes so fast.. n to an extent, i do agree on tat. I may have said tis b4, i still remember when one day on the way to school, i started to think :
"How long would have passed in the future when i think back what is happening now?"
The answer for me now is 2 years + few months.
It does give a rather nostalgic feeling, especially when you are reminded of how fast the time is going about, it is like someone rushing you saying :
"Hey, time is running out, whatever you want, do it quick!"
Perhaps it is juz me, but i am still getting the feeling tat i havnt achieved anything in my life. I feel tat all i did was juz as playing a supporting role in another person's life. I know i want to achieve something, but i certainly isn't goin to achieve anything juz by thinking about it. Life is not like a book someone is writing, you may decide what u r going to do next, but u certainly cant guarantee tat wat will emerge in your life as a result of wat u've done is satisfactory to u.
It's juz like i wanted to bring team SJI to the state comp and bring the glory back. Well i did bring the team to the competition, but i did not bring back anything, the outcome isnt something you can decide juz like tat. You may put in a lot of effort juz to do something, but tat doesnt mean tat you are certain to achieve what u wan, it's juz like putting targets on a shooting field, putting more targets will give you a higher probability to hit a target, but the fact is there tat you may nvr hit one by chance.
Let's get over wit tat and continue on with the topic i discussed wit CT today~
It's something regarding time travel, childish? impossible? who cares.
You see, people had been saying abt time travel and changing of history, i hope tat a method for time travel will be discovered but i feel tat alterations to the history will be harder to achieve though...
Here's what i think:
Lets say that on 1st January 2009, you injured your leg bcoz u got ran over by a car.
On 1st February 2009, you decided to travel in time to the past, to prevent yourself from getting run over by the car and returned to the moment after u travelled back in time.
Now think, if you succeeded in preventing the accident from happening, tat means, the injury did not happen, which means tat between the period of 1st January 2009 and 1st February 2009, you wouldn't have got a reason to travel back in time.
When the history is altered and your leg wasn't injured, tat means, you do not have to return to the past.
However, if between tat period of time, you did not actually return back in time, tat means the history will not be altered, which means tat the accident will actually happen.
Sounds complicated?
Tat made CT give up thinking of wat i said, and i was actually having a hard time trying to explain to him so i doubt if it is easy to understand using writings.
There's another thing tat i heard from Willey which is the Many-worlds interpretation
This is not exactly wat the thing suggests but i guess i will juz put wat i can understand:
Like the case juz now, u injured your leg, but tis time with a little details added.
A - You injured your legs on 1st january 2009
B- 8.00am 1st february you travelled back in time to 1st january (A)and prevented the accident from happening
C- You returned in time to 8.01am 1st february 2009
From wat i understand, if u alter the history which is changing (A), the condition in (C) will experience some changes.
However, in this case, the change u made will result in difference in the current time.
If you did (B) after (A), the changes will happen, which results in (C), however, since u changed (A) during (B), it means tat (C) will not be parallel with (A) in time.
It's something like, when u change the history of your injury, you are actually chaning the course of the time u r currently at, which means something like tis
--> [No alteration is done]--> (C)Your leg is still injured - (O)
O -->(A)-[leg got injured] '
'--> (B)-[ (A) is avoided] -->(C) Your leg did not get injured - (2)
tis way, it means tat in the dimension O, which is the original dimension, your leg got injured, when you did not do any alteration to the timeline, you will be kept in the same dimension following the timeline. However, if alteration (B) is done, wat will happen is tat, since condition (A) is avoided, then tat means you cannot be following timeline of dimension (O) since ur leg is not injured. So, according to the theory, when alteration is done, you will actually move to another dimension which the injury did not happen which is (2)
Looks easy but this is but a tiny part of the whole theory, took some time to really understand this little part though. You think you can understand the whole theory?
Go ahead : [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation ]
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
CLDS 2009!

Tis holiday, i went for the 11th CLDS at MBS. A wonderful experience indeed :>
This year's CLDS was held for 3 days 2 nights, 1 day shorter than last year's
This year's camp is to say, different from last year's as this year they wanted us to improve they say. As of tat, the camp tis year is quite strict compared to last year's "Fun Camp".
Tis year, our instructor for drill is mr Chang Chee Kok, a very strict officer with a big voice, literally. Whatever he has to say during the drill sessions, he will be shouting to tell us whatever he wants to say.
For tis year, mr woo has gave me a promotion to a cdt corporal (which i really doubt i will really be promoted after the camp). The promotion actually gave me lots of trouble during the first day, seeing tat people expected a 'corporal' to be gud n keep on shooting. After tat, i bcame the leader of squad 5 all of a sudden. Perhaps i am not an outgoing person, i feel tat my group isnt really talking much to each other, especially when i dun start talking... Luckily got Lee kk, not **** but Lee Kah Kian frm Cochrane, tis guy quite active la n he starts the talking. I see he is really having a hard time getting everyone to talk, u c... i always find it hard to get the conversation going with someone i juz get to know.
During the drill session, again i was threw out to be the leader, Mr Chee Kok separated the groups n it so happens tat i m in squad delta, the leaders were asked to get the members' rank n how many were there, i still managed to do a little bit, however he start asking, how many boys? What division? How many member from tat division? What's the name? O-O I was really troubled then, curses, y did he put corporal........
During the first night, after the performances was the 'Group Review'. k la, i actually told my teammate regarding the happenings of tat day n i actually felt a bit bad, seeing tat coz of my negligence my members had to get embarassed, lol i oso sacrificed n bcame a guy titanic actor. Mayb i am being a bit overreacting but i am kind of worried tat they might not get all there's in this CLDS.
Second day was the day with the longest footdrill session, around 3hours+. However, i managed to survive tat day coz i wasnt the leader ledi~ dunno wat others think but i think i really forced out myself to talk loud jor... i cant speak very loudly ledi coz got sorethroat. Mayb din teach well coz on the third day so many ppl still say dunno (b' .')b . Mr Chee Kok was really pushy tat day, i was briefing the members regarding the drill commands n he keep on ask the members question, when i tell him i still teaching, kena shoot.... i cant help it lar.... i dun hav much experience teaching ppl de lor. Luckily he is being more reasonable tat day, at least i din get scolded answering his questions. The other corporals ar... really bad lar... only me answering sir question, except for 1 of them who went for the national comp thingy, guess i cant blame her.
Apart frm tat, tat night we had another teambuilding game from mr woo chong you 无中有 XD. The games were really testing our minds, lots of teams, including ours argued over a few parts of the games n none managed to finish all 8 stations there's over there n got ourselves scolded by 无中有. Dunno if he actually scolding or wat, but he does sounds like he is scolding us~ Somehow we got back to another reviewing session where we have to compliment our members, guess i found out a way to compliment everyone~ n even got compliments from my members~ dunno if they actually juz trying to fulfill the requirements or it's really from the bottom of their heart, i guess anything is fine with me~
The last day of CLDS, i couldnt sleep well the night b4 tat as aaron is snoring non-stop bside me tat night. Tat day of the closing ceremony was really hard to go thru, i was really sleepy tat day coz the room is cool coz of the aircond + the dim lighting, i nearly fell asleep but luckily i managed to keep myself up n managed to get talking to ease some of those sleepiness. b4 we get home, we took a group picture which is the one above.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

海滩上靠海的沙都是潮湿的,这种沙非常好使,筑起沙城简单又快。但是在靠海的部分造沙城,一被来袭的海浪碰上时,变得意外地脆弱, 抵挡不了浪水的侵袭。
年少的我们,对感情抱有很大的期望,这时的感情不如年幼时那般容易,这时的感情需要一份适当的勇气方能得到。这时的感情多半不是因为时间的过去而感到厌倦,大多都是因为一些不时会发生的争执而弄得那些无耐性的少年分道扬镳 - 感情结束后更变得像陌生人般, 连说句话也难。
这时少年便突然变成感性王, 个个开始在那儿唉声叹气, 说的自己像是天下最倒霉的人。有言道 : "少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁" 少年们总是为些芝麻绿豆的事情烦恼, 把每件事都硬硬说是不幸的遭遇, 而实际的不幸哪会那么简单地熬过呢? 难道他们没见过那些单单为了活下去, 每天都要与饥饿,病痛搏斗的人们? 现在少年的世界实在太小, 他们的视野不辽阔, 永远被困在自己的幻想, 永远活在睡梦里。
能经得起这考验,坚持彼此间感情的人们, 更是屈指可数。
离海水最远的部分, 那儿的沙非常干燥, 要筑沙城更是困难。若要成功, 必须要用智力, 技巧, 努力。这儿筑起的沙城, 如果成功, 他将会非常牢固, 并且不会被浪水与潮水侵袭, 因为它已离开海水太远了。
年纪较成熟的我们, 不会像年轻时一般, 不会因时间而对感情厌倦, 不会因纠纷而抛弃感情。 因为这时真诚的感情是得来不易的, 我们会珍惜身边的人事物, 因为我们将了解到有很多事情不是说要就要。
踏入社会, 我们会了解, 所有的东西并不是我们年轻时想得那么简单, 外面的世界是个如战场般的世界, 那是个弱肉强食的世界, 弱者淘汰, 强者生存, 这便是世界的定律。我们会了解, 来到社会上, 到处都是想要淘汰你的掠夺者, 真诚的友情, 或许只是虚伪的陷阱。 能躲过无数的陷阱, 方能得到真实的友谊, 真诚的感情, 这一切是多么地不易啊!
真诚的友谊, 是由年少时得来的 ; 真诚的感情, 或许难以找寻, 但有些经得起考验的人们, 成功将年少那真诚的感情, 带到成长后的世界里, 有的则在冥冥中遇见一个真正属于自己的伴侣。
犹如孩子的沙城, 那么的脆弱, 人们对感情抱太大的期望了。与其为不实际的感情伤心,不如专注于如何在这现实世界生存下去。
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