Tis holiday, i went for the 11th CLDS at MBS. A wonderful experience indeed :>
This year's CLDS was held for 3 days 2 nights, 1 day shorter than last year's
This year's camp is to say, different from last year's as this year they wanted us to improve they say. As of tat, the camp tis year is quite strict compared to last year's "Fun Camp".
Tis year, our instructor for drill is mr Chang Chee Kok, a very strict officer with a big voice, literally. Whatever he has to say during the drill sessions, he will be shouting to tell us whatever he wants to say.
For tis year, mr woo has gave me a promotion to a cdt corporal (which i really doubt i will really be promoted after the camp). The promotion actually gave me lots of trouble during the first day, seeing tat people expected a 'corporal' to be gud n keep on shooting. After tat, i bcame the leader of squad 5 all of a sudden. Perhaps i am not an outgoing person, i feel tat my group isnt really talking much to each other, especially when i dun start talking... Luckily got Lee kk, not **** but Lee Kah Kian frm Cochrane, tis guy quite active la n he starts the talking. I see he is really having a hard time getting everyone to talk, u c... i always find it hard to get the conversation going with someone i juz get to know.
During the drill session, again i was threw out to be the leader, Mr Chee Kok separated the groups n it so happens tat i m in squad delta, the leaders were asked to get the members' rank n how many were there, i still managed to do a little bit, however he start asking, how many boys? What division? How many member from tat division? What's the name? O-O I was really troubled then, curses, y did he put corporal........
During the first night, after the performances was the 'Group Review'. k la, i actually told my teammate regarding the happenings of tat day n i actually felt a bit bad, seeing tat coz of my negligence my members had to get embarassed, lol i oso sacrificed n bcame a guy titanic actor. Mayb i am being a bit overreacting but i am kind of worried tat they might not get all there's in this CLDS.
Second day was the day with the longest footdrill session, around 3hours+. However, i managed to survive tat day coz i wasnt the leader ledi~ dunno wat others think but i think i really forced out myself to talk loud jor... i cant speak very loudly ledi coz got sorethroat. Mayb din teach well coz on the third day so many ppl still say dunno (b' .')b . Mr Chee Kok was really pushy tat day, i was briefing the members regarding the drill commands n he keep on ask the members question, when i tell him i still teaching, kena shoot.... i cant help it lar.... i dun hav much experience teaching ppl de lor. Luckily he is being more reasonable tat day, at least i din get scolded answering his questions. The other corporals ar... really bad lar... only me answering sir question, except for 1 of them who went for the national comp thingy, guess i cant blame her.
Apart frm tat, tat night we had another teambuilding game from mr woo chong you 无中有 XD. The games were really testing our minds, lots of teams, including ours argued over a few parts of the games n none managed to finish all 8 stations there's over there n got ourselves scolded by 无中有. Dunno if he actually scolding or wat, but he does sounds like he is scolding us~ Somehow we got back to another reviewing session where we have to compliment our members, guess i found out a way to compliment everyone~ n even got compliments from my members~ dunno if they actually juz trying to fulfill the requirements or it's really from the bottom of their heart, i guess anything is fine with me~
The last day of CLDS, i couldnt sleep well the night b4 tat as aaron is snoring non-stop bside me tat night. Tat day of the closing ceremony was really hard to go thru, i was really sleepy tat day coz the room is cool coz of the aircond + the dim lighting, i nearly fell asleep but luckily i managed to keep myself up n managed to get talking to ease some of those sleepiness. b4 we get home, we took a group picture which is the one above.
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