Now my pc damn annoying... for like every 10 minutes or so, it will hang n i will hav to switch it off, reboot it, wait for it to hang, switch it off, reboot it, wait for it to hang, switch it off, reboot it............. it really pisses me off n sometimes i juz feel like thrashing the pc n throw it out of the house. Of course i didnt do it, it's bad enuf i cant work on time wit a pc tat keeps on hang, i dun wan to get myself unable to do anything bcoz i threw my pc out.
Since my health is not really gud these days, i am always facing a certain lvl of discomfort, like snivel overflowing (yuck), frequently sneezing n some others. However, it seems tat there are always some inconsiderable jerk tat loves to make ppl feel more annoyed in tis kind of time. In my case, it would be my mother. It is already disturbing and annoying enuf for me to hav tis lvl of discomfort, when i should be having a peaceful time to allow my body to recover, she chose to torment me n annoy me even more with unreasonable nagging and all sorts of craps. If it is juz being caring n nice, i wouldnt mind accepting it. However, she certainly does not kno any sort of limitations and starts scolding abt tis n tat. I mean hey, here u r feeling f up uncomfortable n there she is scolding u as if u killed everyone in the family, yaada yaada yaada, to hell wit you! Tat is y u would say tat certain ppl hav no brain to think tat others r not goin to be happy for all tat u do. Lets c wat u will feel if i hav u hav a taste of ur medicine, scolding u like piece of sXXt. Do u think tat only u will feel angry? Juz bcoz i do not show it, it doesnt mean tat u can do watever u like to me u kno!? You care you care, of course you do, but in a wrong way darn it! You wan to care? Great! Show me some compassion n understanding rather than getting on my nerves! If you cant do tat, juz get the hell out of my life n shut up! Sometimes, i feel tat one day i might get so angry tat i will end up bcoming like those guys tat dump their parents in old folks home. I am not a person tat lets emotion take control easily, but if i really lose it, there u hav it, u deserves it, congratz. All the while i stay quiet, doin my own work. I try my best to ignore the anger by ignoring u, but god u r annoying, it is as if u r really trying my limit, u wan a piece of tis!? Nah! Once, i got so darn angry tat i was freakingly shouting back at her, n for a month, no annoyance is experienced. I dun wan to make myself to do tat, i kno it doesnt help, but some of the time u r juz trying my patience, 老虎不发威你当病猫! I am trying my best to be patient, i try my best not to result in violence, i know it doesnt help n i dun wan to do tis, but someday i may juz get so fking angry tat i can guarantee physical violence. She's always saying : "If I am being quiet, it doesnt mean tat you are right." Well, gud tat you know it urself, when i stayed quiet, she often gets kind of bored n starts saying things like : "i will not care abt ur health anymore, i will c how u help urself!" or "if u wan to make urself like tat, then tat's fine wit me" Well, if it is so, then y wont u juz shut up ur mouth? U like to talk lots n lots of crap but all u can talk abt is those few things we had done wrong, revolving around the same thing. Hell yeah, our fault is always a sin tat destroys the world. One day I forgot to turn off the tap n the water overflowed for around 30 minutes, wow, I guess i must hav snatched away all of the ppl's water from the desert, considering the fact tat i am given a lecture of lifetime. On the other hand, there was one day when she forgot to turn off the tao b u was iut at school. She left the tap open and the water overflowed for about 4 hours, n wat can i say, she is gud at these things, nth happened. So i guess it's alright for her to leave the water overflowing for 4 hours but it is a deadly sin for us to leave the water flowing for 30 minutes. Wow, wat a great way of educating young souls eh? So lets c, it is alright even if i killed sum1 n my children cannot hav anything to say abt it, but if my children injured sum1, i shuld get him to get a death sentence. Now i get it! 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 i say.