It so happened that our bio teacher Pn.Saidah is finally replaced by another teacher, a probationary teacher, Ms Tiun. This new teacher's appearance and CL's appearance have a striking resemblance, we ended up claiming that she is CL's "long lost sister" XD however, our hopes to have a teacher that is able to surpass Saidah's pointless teaching soon became shattered. This new teacher is darn it boring... i guess i can't blame her for that, she is new anyway...
Lets c... next we have the "Garbage Enzyme" starring Chang Chiew Weng, Tan Chin Tiong and Teh Yong Lin. YL and CT actually made CW do his part to contribute to their "堕由他 : 一口油" project, XD k, it's actually Toyota Eco Youth, (still thinks the first one sounds better). His job is : to pour the garbage enzyme into plastic bottles. Sounds easy? Of course! tat is, until he opened up the bucket holding the enzyme. It's really the essence of nastiness, he opened up the cover and a unbearable filthy smell gushed out of the bucket. The smell is like being dumped into a huge garbage container, containing garbage left for few thousand years to rot, the smell is of pure nastiness, i bet it is fatal to even smell it from a distance. Even though everyone think that it is the worst thing ever, it seems tat there're things tat are worse, CT told me tat tis enzyme is actually the one tat "smells gud", there're a few enzymes tat smells worse and CT+YL had to take care of tat. Feeling pity for CW, i gave him a pair of gloves n oso mask, juz in case he gets may get contaminated by the "NOXIOUS ENZYME FUME". Luckily, CW didn't take too long to finish it up n we had YL+CL back into the FAR for our meeting.
After the meeting, i was hanging out wit CL in FAR, i actually got an embarassing recording of him n got a confession out of his mouth~ XD tis time i have all the elements of victory in my hands, i am sure there's no way CL can get away from this~ XD. After tat, we got out n went to the toilet, i took a picture of tis outside the staff room:
I guess our staff room was pretty bouncy before? Perhaps they are trying to pump some air into the staff room to make it bouncy again.
I changed my blog name n a few parts in it, it isn't really tat coded XD, a clue : Alternate Inscription. Try and find out wat does the numbers mean!
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